[rak-count-only] ....... 
20:55:58 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-count-only]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] set -e
[3] cd $cache_dir
[5] rak -version
[7] echo foo > file.txt
[8] echo foo > file2.txt
[9] echo foo >> file2.txt
[10] echo foo > file3.txt
[12] rak foo --verbose --count-only
[14] rak foo --files-with-matches --count-only
[task stdout]
20:55:59 :: rak - provided by App::Rak 0.0.47, running Raku 6.d with Rakudo 2022.06.
20:55:59 :: file.txt: 1
20:55:59 :: file2.txt: 2
20:55:59 :: file3.txt: 1
20:55:59 :: 4 matches in 3 files
[task stderr]
20:55:59 :: Unexpected option: --'files-with-matches'
20:55:59 :: Use --help for an overview of available options
20:55:59 :: task exit status: 1
20:55:59 :: task .tomty/tasks/rak-count-only FAILED
[rak-git-blame] ....... 
20:56:00 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-git-blame/]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] cd $cache_dir
[3] rak -version
[5] git clone https://github.com/melezhik/rakudist-teddy-bear.git
[7] cd rakudist-teddy-bear
[9] rak '{ .author eq "Alexey Melezhik" }' lib/Teddy/Bear.pm6  --blame-per-line
[task stdout]
20:56:00 :: rak - provided by App::Rak 0.0.47, running Raku 6.d with Rakudo 2022.06.
20:56:02 :: lib/Teddy/Bear.pm6: 063e0b6b (Alexey Melezhik 2022-04-08  9:42:42 -0500 5) sub foo () {
20:56:02 :: lib/Teddy/Bear.pm6: 664b29c8 (Alexey Melezhik 2022-04-08 10:15:55 -0500 6)   say "OK!!!"
20:56:02 :: lib/Teddy/Bear.pm6: 063e0b6b (Alexey Melezhik 2022-04-08  9:42:42 -0500 7) }
[task stderr]
20:56:02 :: Cloning into 'rakudist-teddy-bear'...
[task check]
stdout match <lib/Teddy/Bear.pm6: 664b29c8 (Alexey Melezhik 2022-04-08 10:15:55 -0500 6)   say "OK!!!"> True
[rak-pager] ....... 
20:56:03 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-pager]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] cd $cache_dir
[3] echo foo > file.txt
[4] echo foo >> file.txt
[5] echo foo >> file.txt
[6] echo foo >> file.txt
[8] RAK_PAGER='cat -n' rak foo
[task stdout]
20:56:03 ::      1	foo
20:56:03 ::      2	foo
20:56:03 ::      3	foo
20:56:03 ::      4	foo
[task check]
stdout match (s) <^^ \s+ 1 \s+ foo $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s+ 2 \s+ foo $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s+ 3 \s+ foo $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s+ 4 \s+ foo $$> True
[rak-search] ....... 
20:56:04 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-search/]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] set -e
[3] echo "foo" > $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[5] cd $cache_root_dir
[7] rak --version
[9] echo "====="
[10] cat file.txt
[11] echo "====="
[13] echo "<<<"
[14] rak foo --/highlight --human
[15] echo ">>>"
[task stdout]
20:56:04 :: rak - provided by App::Rak 0.0.47, running Raku 6.d with Rakudo 2022.06.
20:56:04 :: =====
20:56:04 :: foo
20:56:04 :: =====
20:56:04 :: <<<
20:56:05 :: file.txt
20:56:05 :: 1:foo
20:56:05 :: >>>
[task check]
stdout match (s) <<<<> True
stdout match (s) <file.txt> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s* '1:foo' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <>>>> True
[rak-search-before-after] ....... 
20:56:06 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-search-before-after/]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] set -e
[3] lb=$(config 'lines-before')
[4] la=$(config 'lines-after')
[6] touch  $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[8] for (( i=1 ; i<=$lb ; i++ )); 
[9] do
[10] echo "line_before"$i >> $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[11] done
[13] echo "foo" >> $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[15] for (( i=1 ; i<=$la ; i++ )); 
[16] do
[17] echo "line_after"$i >> $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[18] done
[20] cd $cache_root_dir
[22] echo "====="
[23] cat file.txt
[24] echo "====="
[27] echo "<<<"
[28] rak foo --before-context=$lb --after-context=$la --/highlight --human 2>&1
[29] echo ">>>"
[task stdout]
20:56:07 :: =====
20:56:07 :: line_before1
20:56:07 :: line_before2
20:56:07 :: line_before3
20:56:07 :: foo
20:56:07 :: line_after1
20:56:07 :: line_after2
20:56:07 :: line_after3
20:56:07 :: =====
20:56:07 :: <<<
20:56:07 :: file.txt
20:56:07 :: 1-line_before1
20:56:07 :: 2-line_before2
20:56:07 :: 3-line_before3
20:56:07 :: 4:foo
20:56:07 :: 5-line_after1
20:56:07 :: 6-line_after2
20:56:07 :: 7-line_after3
20:56:07 :: >>>
[task check]
stdout match (s) <<<<> True
stdout match (s) <file.txt> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '1-line_before1' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '2-line_before2' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '3-line_before3' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s*'4:foo' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '5-line_after1' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '6-line_after2' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <^^\s* '7-line_after3' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <>>>> True
[rak-search-dir] ....... 
20:56:09 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-search-dir/]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] set -e
[3] cd $cache_root_dir
[5] mkdir bar
[7] echo "foo" > bar/file.txt
[9] echo "====="
[10] cat  bar/file.txt
[11] echo "====="
[13] echo "<<<"
[14] rak foo bar --/highlight --human 2>&1
[15] echo ">>>"
[17] echo "---"
[19] echo "<<<"
[20] rak foo bar2 --/highlight --human 2>&1
[21] echo ">>>"
[task stdout]
20:56:09 :: =====
20:56:09 :: foo
20:56:09 :: =====
20:56:09 :: <<<
20:56:10 :: bar/file.txt
20:56:10 :: 1:foo
20:56:10 :: >>>
20:56:10 :: ---
20:56:10 :: <<<
20:56:10 :: >>>
[task check]
# positive case
stdout match (s) <<<<> True
stdout match (s) <bar/file.txt> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s* '1:foo' \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <>>>> True
stdout match (s) <---> True
# negative case
stdout match (s) <<<<> True
stdout match (s) <>>>> True
[rak-search-files-only] ....... 
20:56:11 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-search-files-only/]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] set -e
[3] echo "foo" > $cache_root_dir/file.txt
[5] cd $cache_root_dir
[7] echo "====="
[8] cat file.txt
[9] echo "====="
[11] echo "<<<"
[12] rak foo --files-with-matches 2>&1
[13] echo ">>>"
[task stdout]
20:56:11 :: =====
20:56:11 :: foo
20:56:11 :: =====
20:56:11 :: <<<
20:56:11 :: file.txt
20:56:11 :: >>>
[task check]
stdout match (s) <<<<> True
stdout match (s) <^^ \s* file.txt \s* $$> True
stdout match (s) <>>>> True
[rak-search-json] ....... 
20:56:12 :: [repository] - index updated from http://sparrowhub.io/repo/api/v1/index
[task run: task.bash - .tomty/tasks/rak-search-json]
[dump code: task.bash]
[1] rak -version
[3] rak '{ $_ with .<auth> }' --json-per-file
[task stdout]
20:56:12 :: rak - provided by App::Rak 0.0.47, running Raku 6.d with Rakudo 2022.06.
20:56:13 :: META6.json: zef:lizmat
[task check]
stdout match <META6.json: zef:lizmat> True
)=: / [8] tests in 16 sec / (7) tests passed / (1) failed